BRIDGEWATER sits along the shores of Texas’ newest lake in over 30 years, Bois d’Arc Lake. This NEW 17,000 acre recreational lake, located 60 miles north of Dallas, is poised to become some of the most sought after real estate in Texas. From Dallas to Sherman to Bois d’Arc Lake – this area is buzzing with activity and is quickly becoming the ‘Must See’ Texas destination.
Bridgewater boasts deep water, sweeping lake views, a mile of gorgeous shoreline, and it sits on the best section of the lake with easy access to Dallas. This is the most anticipated grand opening in years, and the wait is almost over. Come see what everyone’s talking about on Sat, April 5th and take advantage of one of the best real estate markets in quite some time. All properties will be released and sold on a first come, first choice basis on Sat, April 5th by the developer. Call now and see how you can BE THE FIRST to see beautiful Bridgewater, and one of the hottest markets in Texas. Limited availability so CALL NOW (800) 675-1800. Shown by appointment only.